Survival and Growth of Torah Study

Appreciate the miraculous survival of the Mir Yeshiva during World War II and the success thereafter both in Jerusalem and Brooklyn, NY.

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Miraculous Survival and the Growth of Torah

Appreciate the miraculous survival of the Mir Yeshiva in Shanghai during World War II and the success of the Yeshiva thereafter both in Jerusalem, Israel and in Brooklyn, NY.

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Pre and Post-Chanukah Classes and Workshops on Zoom

Pre-Chanukah Classes and Workshops on ZoomJoin NJOP for these exciting Chanukah prep classes on Zoom! Forward to a friend

To Jew and Jew and Jew

Judaism is both a religion and a nationality. The Talmud teaches us (Shavuot 39a) “Kol Yisrael areivim zeh bazeh,” that all Jews are responsible (literally “guarantors”) for one another.…

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Wish both Jews and Non-Jews a Happy and Successful Jewish New Year

On Rosh Hashana we celebrate the creation of the first human being. While only Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana, it is an important anniversary for all humankind.

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Recommended Passover Reading

Recommended Passover ReadingPassover… the season of matzah, maror and minding the minutes until you can get away from your family. Not anymore! Shimon Apisdorf’s fantastic…

Recommended High Holiday Reading

Recommended High Holiday ReadingA selection of valuable books to help you explore your Jewish Heritage and prepare for the New Year. Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur Survival KitBy Shimon……

Observance and Prayer Outline

Passover Observanceand Prayer Outline The Seder night, when family and friends gather together to commemorate our redemption…

Bentching/Birkat HaMazon/Grace After Meals

Birkat HaMazonGrace After MealsBentching How easy it is, when we are wanting, to ask G-d for the food, to remember our “please…

Batman and the Torah

On May 1st, 1939, the cartoon character, Batman appeared for the first time in Detective Comics, #27. As such, May 1st is known the world over as “Batman Day.” If you Google “bat” and…

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